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Michael Parekōwhai’s ‘A Peak in Darien’ sets $2m+ New Zealand art auction record

‘A Peak in Darien’ sold for a record $2.05 million and two McCahon works fetched in excess of $1m each at Art + Object’s weekend auction.

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Tesla boss praises New Zealand’s EV efforts

The head of the world’s leading electric vehicle maker has heaped praise on New Zealand for its efforts to electrify the country’s vehicle fleet and cut emissions.

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Telsa boss praises New Zealand’s EV efforts

The head of the world’s leading electric vehicle maker has heaped praise on New Zealand for its efforts to electrify the country’s vehicle fleet and cut emissions.

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Manufacturing sector continuing to expand, new data shows

Manufacturing activity is continuing to rebound as Covid-19 restrictions ease.

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Infratil makes record half year profit of $1.08b boosted by Tilt Renewables sale

The infrastructure investor Infratil has made a record half year profit of more than a $1 billion boosted by significant gain on the sale of Tilt Renewables.

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