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British woman who plunged to her death on Mt Ruapehū named

The British woman who died in a fall on Mt Ruapehū last weekend has been named as Emma Langley.

The 37-year-old UK national had been living in Wellington and working as a senior adviser at the Ministry …

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Code Red: Why Trump’s positive Covid test is ‘most dangerous moment’ for US govt

US President Donald Trump and his wife Melania have both tested positive for Covid-19.

It’s being labelled a “Code Red” for the US government.

CNN’s national security analyst Samantha Vinograd says …

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Matthew Hooton: Act or Green — there’s nothing to fear


Ready for Deputy Prime Minister Marama Davidson?

Jacinda Ardern’s dreams of governing unencumbered by coalition partners are fading. The latest polls have Labour below the 61 seats needed …

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US President Donald Trump tests positive for Covid-19

US President Donald Trump says he and first lady Melania Trump have tested positive for Covid-19.

“Tonight, @FLOTUS [Melania] and I tested positive for COVID-19. We will begin our quarantine and recovery …

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Tua, Parker, Fitzsimmons, Adesanya – who is NZ’s greatest fighter?


Like any professional athlete, one of Israel Adesanya’s biggest priorities is the construction of his legacy.

He has said that it fuels his drive, and, after condemning Paulo Costa, the man …

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