Keeping track of working smoke alarms has been a legal requirement for property managers and landlords since 2016. Since 1 December 2020, and every private rented property needs to be fitted with smoke alarms. The requirement is to install at least one smoke alarm on every storey of the rental property on which there is a room used wholly or partly as living accommodation.
Fire and Emergency New Zealand recommend long-life photoelectric smoke alarms, which are far more effective than ionisation alarms at detecting slow smouldering fires, which burn for hours before bursting into flames.
A smoke alarm is critical for the early detection of a fire in your home and could mean the difference between life and death. Fires can occur in a variety of ways and in any room of your home. But no matter where or how, having a smoke alarm is the first key step toward your family’s safety.
In a fire, smoke and deadly gases tend to spread farther and faster than heat, which is
one reason why most fire victims die from inhalation of smoke and toxic gases, not from burns. A majority of fatal fires happen when families are asleep because occupants
are unaware of the fire until there is not adequate time to escape.
Smoke alarms should be installed on every level of the home, outside sleeping areas, and inside bedrooms, and should be installed and maintained according to the manufacturer’s instructions. When installing a smoke alarm, many factors influence where you will place the alarm, including how many are to be installed. Consider placing alarms along your escape path to assist in your exit in limited-visibility conditions.
Ideal’s customer support staff have a huge knowledge base to dig into and this enables them to assist you with all your requirements. If you have any questions or problems around product, installation, troubleshooting, maintenance, upgrades please get in touch, and for more information on Active equipment and electrical tools NZ please visit the website at .