The immigration lawyers based in Auckland help numerous applicants from all over the world successfully apply to become skilled migrants in New Zealand.
The lawyers at Pacific Legal support Skilled Migrant visa applications from the very start. The process for this visa takes a long time, at the moment around 24 months, so it is crucial that you get the application right the first time. The ongoing Covid situation may further impact the process, so it becomes even more important to have a knowledgeable team supporting you.
Our team have supported numerous applicants successfully and know the essential aspects to look out for, such as job offers, age limits, minimum English language requirements and income thresholds. Our service includes a full evaluation of your eligibility for the Skilled Migrant Category and advising you on any necessary steps that you should take in order to improve your chances. We will lodge any appeals if your application is unsuccessful and support you in any way we can to get you the visa you need.
Contact the Pacific Legal team today if you need support with your visa applications and explore our website for our full services!